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Lumsden War Memorial Hall


The Lumsden War Memorial Hall was opened on 4 October 1954. It stands not far from the resited Lumsden memorial cenotaph. The honours board of the Loyal Lumsden Lodge IOOF is on display in the hall. The central portion of the board lists the names of 34 ex-Lodge members who served in the First World War, including six who died. (Another local lodge’s roll of honour, that of  Lodge Taringatura No. 100, is currently in private hands.)

See: Margaret Thompson, History of Lumsden, Northern Southland, 1875-2012, Lumsden, 2012, pp. 49-50, 108-11, 158-61; Fiona Jack, Living Halls, New Plymouth, 2011, p. 211. For photos of all Lumsden war memorials and rolls of honour, see Kia Mate Toa, the Southland memorial database.


Bruce Ringer, 2017

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Lumsden War Memorial Hall, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated