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Woolston war memorial pavilion

The memorial after the Feburuary 2011 earthquake:


The Woolston First World War memorial was a sports pavilion erected in the Woolston Domain. It was originally referred to as the ‘Fallen Soldiers’ Pavilion’ but was erected in memory both of the fallen soldiers from the borough and in honour of those who served during the war. It was opened by the Mayor of Woolston, McGregor B. Wright, on 15 October 1921. Wright also unveiled an oak tablet attached to the front wall of the pavilion which listed the names of 32 men who had died. 

The single-storey brick and roughcast building contained men’s and women’s dressing rooms, a kitchen and dining-hall, and conveniences. A verandah ran around three sides. It seems to have been used mostly by cricketers, and became generally known as the Woolston Memorial Cricket Pavilion.

The pavilion was badly damaged in the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. It was restored and reopened on 8 June 2015.

The whereabouts of the roll of honour is unknown, but the names are listed on Kete Christchurch.

See: ‘Woolston War Memorial’, Press, 26/5/1921, p. 4; ‘Woolston War Memorial: Foundation Laid’, Press, 22/8/1921, p. 8; ‘Woolston War Memorial Pavilion Officially Opened’, Press, 17/10/1921, p. 5.


Images: Margaret Marks 2008; Francis Vallance, 2011
Text: Bruce Ringer, 2017

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Woolston war memorial pavilion, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated
