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Ubique bell

Ubique bell

  • Height   635 mm
  • Width   794 mm
  • Weight   302 kg
  • Note   C
Bell inscription

‘D’ Battery.

The D Battery of the New Zealand Field Artillery, a territorial and coastal defence force based in Wellington, was formed in 1867 and ceased to exist after a reorganisation of the defence force in 1921. Although the Battery had already disbanded, when the opportunity arose to fund a bell in the Carillon in 1926, its former members were called to a meeting to consider how to fundraise for the bell in memory of their fallen comrades. Ex-members were contacted around the world and by 1929 they had raised the money required to fund the bell. The fundraising treasurer noted that it had been a difficult job tracking former members of the brigade ‘but the grand result of the old "D" Battery getting a bell in its own name – sacred to the memory of their comrades who fell – was well worth the time devoted to the task’.

The name of this bell, Ubique, Latin for ‘everywhere’, is the motto of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery and is seen on the unit’s coat of arms.