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Fairlie war memorial


Fairlie war memorial in c. 1986 (main image) and in 2007 (other images).

This memorial was unveiled on 16 December 1929. The original memorial was made from locally-sourced glacial boulders and limestone blocks. 

By the 1990s the stone had deterioated and in 1999 the orignal memorial was decommissioned and a new one built. The new memorial is made from Oamaru stone and retains the original marble plaques, which list the names of those from the district who lost their lives in war. A block of the old cenotaph and a record of its history have been placed as a time capsule at its base and some 30 Anzac rose bushes used in the landscaping.

The memorial was relocated a short distance to its current position after State Highways 8 and 79 were realigned.

In 2016 a further 35 First World War and seven Second World War names were added to a new plaque on the memorial following research by local historians.


Information from: Karen Rolleston, 'More modern memorial', Timaru Herald 8 Aug 2020 and the Fairlie Rootsweb page.

Images: Jock Phillips and Chris Maclean (top image, c1986), Andrew Hammond, 2007 and Fran McGowan, 2010

Find out more about the people listed on this memorial by searching on Auckland Museum's Cenotaph database

How to cite this page

Fairlie war memorial, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated
