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Agnes Olphert

Signed family name
Signed given name
Given address
Mount Roskill
Sheet number
Mt Roskill

Biographical information provided by Fiona Oliver, Alexander Turnbull Library, for the He Tohu exhibition:

Agnes was born in Auckland in 1860, the same year her parents arrived there from Liverpool. In 1895, as part of a recitation competition, she gave a talk on ‘The Causes of Temperance’.  She sang and gave recitals in a number of competitions organised by the ‘Band of Hope’, a Presbyterian movement that encouraged its members to sign a pledge to not touch the ‘demon drink’. It appears she did not marry. Agnes died on 12 November 1938, aged 78.

She is the daugher of Agnes Oliphant (senior) who also signed sheet 16 of the suffrage petition.

Click on sheet number to see the 1893 petition sheet this signature appeared on. Digital copies of the sheets supplied by Archives New Zealand.