Given names: 
Given address: 
Sheet No: 503
Hawke's Bay

Biographical information contributed by Joan McIntyre, Friends of the Gorge Cemetery.

Matilda Somerville died 27 March 1903 age 61 years (Oliver died 1934 age 92)

Woodville Examiner 27 March 1903:

'Death of Mrs Somerville.

Mrs Oliver Somerville died at her residence, McLean Street, on Wednesday afternoon. The event had been daily, nay hourly, expected for weeks past, yet the news caused the tightening of many a heartstring. There was no one in Woodville who did not love Mrs Somerville, and her death will leave a blank that can never be filled. No one in sickness or adversity ever appealed to “Mother,” as she was familiarly called by her friends, in vain. Heady at all times to help the sick and sorrowing, sacrificing herself without murmur, hers was a character possessed by few, and her memory will be held in grateful remembrance in many a home in and round Woodville. The deceased lady had been an invalid nearly a year, and underwent great suffering with that resignation and calmness which was so characteristic of her whole life. It would be a sin to express sorrow at her death, as her sufferings must have been great indeed, and it was a happy release when she was called away. Her end was very peaceful, those who were with her scarce realising that the spirit bad flown. We offer our sympathy to the relatives in the sad trial through which they have passed. The funeral took place this afternoon. A short service was held in Holy Trinity Church at half past two, after which the remains were followed to their last resting place by an immense concourse of people. The Rev. J. C. Eccles officiated at the church and at the graveside.'

Click on sheet number to see the 1893 petition sheet this signature appeared on. Digital copies of the sheets supplied by Archives New Zealand.

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